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Home > One of those things in a sentence

One of those things in a sentence

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Sentence count:37Posted:2019-02-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: make the best of thingsin the nature of thingsa close thingline of thoughtthe thin end of the wedgesee thingsnothing of the kindto my way of thinking
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31. This is actually an anti-pattern; one of those things that initially seems like the right idea but often later turns out to be a nightmare.
32. It one of those things that you don't question, but I sure love him.
33. Anglophilia, like pornography, is one of those things that are hard to describe but you know when you see them.
34. They broke off the engagement - it was just one of those things.
35. You're proposing actually freezing yourself in one of those things?
36. Human nature is one of those things that everybody about but no one can define precisely.
37. Anchovies are one of those things that you either love or hate.
More similar words: make the best of thingsin the nature of thingsa close thingline of thoughtthe thin end of the wedgesee thingsnothing of the kindto my way of thinkingout-of-the-box thinkingone of the boysone of these daystake things as they areout of thin aircome out of the closetquite the thingthingsnothingsseethingteething ringteethingof all thingsas things arethe thing issure thingsomethingfor one thingbathing suitother things being equalas things standsweet nothings
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